During the Covid pandemic, we’ve missed out on some of the #seasonal #festivals that normally help us to create a feeling of #community and to expand our #awareness of what we are trying to #achieve together for ourselves at this present moment, and for future generations to come. #Celebrating the festivals together is like taking a step out of the usual #rhythms and routine and taking a pause to experience the richness and possibility of #life. The festivals help us to set aside our shortcomings and limitations and to #focus on all the #wonderful things we can create and achieve together.
Last week, when we all came together to gather in the potatoes it seemed as if we managed to experience all the #virtues relating to the #Twelve #Aspects of #Michael on one afternoon!
1 – We had to be active and dynamic to keep up with Arnold and his tractor and get all the potatoes picked before he returned to turn the next drill!
2 – It was easy to follow directions – we all had our own section for harvesting and the right tools and equipment to help us.
3 – I think we all experienced being a supportive community for the afternoon – the farmers were very happy to get the help, and we were all very happy that the farmers were busy ensuring we had a field full of potatoes for the coming year.
4 – We were so lucky to be able to work on a beautiful sunny afternoon and to enjoy the light and warmth of each other’s good company.
5 – Sharing community events like this is a great preparation for the future – some people picked potatoes for the first time – they got plenty of encouragement and support and gained valuable experience to carry into the future. Who’s coming back for next year’s potato harvest????
6 – Picking potatoes on a sunny day with a view of the mountains and the sea is a joy that can only help us feel grounded on this earth and connected to everything around us.
7 – Community offers many opportunities. Some things we have to do every day, and they can feel a little hum-drum at times, but for most of us being out in the field and getting our hands into the earth was a novel opportunity that was certainly useful and necessary, but also lots of fun.
8 – We only have managed to get so much work done because our hearts were light and enthusiastic, open to the needs of the community and willing to think of the future – and, of course, because we all got a well-deserved ice-cream!
9 – Seeing the wooden crates filled with potatoes could only fill our hearts with gratitude and appreciation – for our common work, the beautiful earth, the sun, the rain and the people who came before us and paved the way for our harvest.
10 – We all came with open hearts, freely sharing in the land-work and experiencing part of the work the farmers attend to all year round. There was no shortage of good advice, good jokes, and good work shared!
11 – Working with biodynamic principles that ensures the soil is nourished and valued is definitely sound insight and vision for the future. We are so lucky to be able to enjoy Demeter quality fruit, meat, eggs and vegetables throughout the year.
12 – To be invited to participate and to come along with good will, and to value everybody’s contribution is a real testament to human freedom and spirit. It’s the core of all that we value in community.
The plan for the afternoon was to pick as many potatoes as possible. We all came along willing to help. The potato crates were filled to the brim, and, as an extra bonus, we had the opportunity to experience the twelve aspects of Michael. Community-life has a habit of showing us more than we expect to find.