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Pop-Up Kitchen v2 – Another exclusive experience!

Pop-Up Kitchen – Welcomes you! Come and enjoy #freshly prepared #food with #home #grown #ingredients while #sharing a #table with others and #raising #money for #charity. #Mourne #Grange #Pop #Up #Kitchen, from #farm to table #experience. The evening includes: – In-house #Tour and #Exhibition – 10 #Course #menu – #Cocktails, #Tapas & #Dinner at a Shared Table Booking fees cover the cost of the #event and goes back into the #community, so we can continue to #grow and #produce #organic…

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Pop-Up Kitchen – An exclusive experience!

Pop-Up Kitchen – Welcomes you! Come and enjoy #freshly prepared #food with #home #grown #ingredients while #sharing a #table with others and #raising #money for #charity. #Mourne #Grange #Pop #Up #Kitchen, from #farm to table #experience. The evening includes: – #Workshop #Tour and #Exhibition – 10 #Course #menu – #Cocktails, #Tapas & #Dinner at a Shared Table – And a #surprise #gift! Booking fees cover the cost of the #event and goes back into the #community, so we can continue…

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Monday to Thursday

Friday to Sunday
14:00 - 17:30

Monday to Thursday

Friday to Sunday
14:00 - 17:30

CAMPHILL COMMUNITY MOURNE GRANGE - 169 Newry Road, Kilkeel, Co.Down, BT34 4EX