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Supporting People Annual Report 2020/21

The #Supporting #People #Annual #report for 2020/21 has just been published and it is really #positive that one of #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange #Good #News stories was included. In February of this year Camphill Community Mourne Grange took part in the #NI #Heart to Heart #project. This meant that some of our service users in the #Weavery #workshop #knitted or made hearts and then we delivered them to a #local #residential #home in #Kilkeel. It is lovely to remember about…

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Proposed Siting For New Nursing Home

We are inviting your views on a #proposal to demolish the eastern wing of the existing #nursing #home #building and replacement with a new, purpose built nursing home building. The feedback received will help to inform the #planning #application that will be submitted to #Newry, #Mourne and Down #District #Council. At present, the existing #Camphill #Community Mourne #Grange nursing home facility is at capacity and unable to accommodate and care for any additional persons, with the eastern wing of the…

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Monday to Thursday

Friday to Sunday
14:00 - 17:30

Monday to Thursday

Friday to Sunday
14:00 - 17:30

CAMPHILL COMMUNITY MOURNE GRANGE - 169 Newry Road, Kilkeel, Co.Down, BT34 4EX