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Supporting Local Help

As a #community and a big #family, #Camphill #Mourne #Grange would like to thanks everyone for all the numerous #kind and #supportive #messages regarding the #passing of #Hayley #Sargent. THANK YOU! If you wish to #donate #flowers, please do not. However we would #love if you could support #Air #Ambulance #NI >> DONATE HERE << as they where of great support on that very sad day. Once again, THANK YOU!!

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Hayley Sargent 22.12.1963 – 06.03.2022

We are devastated to share with you that our #friend #Hayley #Sargent left us yesterday Sunday March the 6th 2022. Born 22.12.1963, Hayley, with her much loved husband and best friend Andy, joined #Camphill #Beannachar in #Scotland in 1988 and later moved to Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange, exactly 25 years ago this year. Hayley carried the community in every step she took and no detail was ever too small for her touch and #gift for #creating #beauty and #form. She…

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Monday to Thursday

Friday to Sunday
14:00 - 17:30

Monday to Thursday

Friday to Sunday
14:00 - 17:30

CAMPHILL COMMUNITY MOURNE GRANGE - 169 Newry Road, Kilkeel, Co.Down, BT34 4EX