International Social Work Day 21 March 2023
#World #Social #Work #Day takes place on 21 March 2023. This year’s theme is ‘Respecting #diversity through joint social action’. It stems from the People’s #Charter for a #New #Eco #Social #World and recognises that change happens locally through our diverse leaderful communities. #WSWD2023 provides an #opportunity to #acknowledge how #communities can make #powerful #actions that lead to #inclusive social transformation. There are now many examples on the #IFSW website that highlight social work’s role in working with communities in…
Annual Practice Learning Review
On the 7th of September, #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange was invited to participate in the #Annual #Practice #Learning #Review. This #forum offers the #opportunity to #share about what Mourne Grange offers to #social #work #students who come on placement. A contribution was shared by Lizzy, our #Registered #Manager, Karen Aiken and Neill Randall, two #villagers who have both had the opportunity to work with social work students on placement in Mourne Grange, and Orla Johnston, a previous social work student….
Hayley Sargent 22.12.1963 – 06.03.2022
We are devastated to share with you that our #friend #Hayley #Sargent left us yesterday Sunday March the 6th 2022. Born 22.12.1963, Hayley, with her much loved husband and best friend Andy, joined #Camphill #Beannachar in #Scotland in 1988 and later moved to Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange, exactly 25 years ago this year. Hayley carried the community in every step she took and no detail was ever too small for her touch and #gift for #creating #beauty and #form. She…
Consultation on The Reform Of Adult Social Care
#Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange has taken part in the #production of this #public #consultation #document, outlining a proposed #plan to #reform our #adult #social #care #services in #Northern #Ireland. It was great to be involved at this level of planning and hopefully contributing to a #better #future for #people with #disabilities. Please take time to follow the link to #contribute your own #thoughts and #ideas about adult social care services. The picture on the front of the document features two…
Sharing Our Knowledge
Our #Registered #Manager, #Lizzy #Dixon, took time to #work in #partnership with #BASW (#British #Association of #Social #workers) to deliver a Continuing #Professional #Development #Seminar to a group of qualified Social workers from across the #UK #region. The seminar focused on the importance of working with people with #learning #disabilities as equal citizens and to #challenge current #systems that rely on labelling people with differences who are at the margins of our #society. The importance of #inclusion from a #young…
Learning Disability Week
This year #Learning #Disability #Week is from the 14th to the 21 of #June and as always we are delighted to get involved and share with all of the other people and services in #Northern #Ireland. It is important to #celebrate the #contributions that people with learning disabilities make to everyone’s lives, and #communities. In #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange we are very lucky to have a range of #wonderful work areas were everyone irrespective of level of ability is able…
Lecturing at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences
Our #manager, #Lizzy #Dixon, was delighted to be invited to present as a #guest #lecturer to a group of #social #work #students and staff at the #Rosenheim #Technical #University of #Applied #Sciences, based near to #Bavaria in #Germany. On the 2nd of June Lizzy was able to connect with the group of students and staff at Rosenheim and share about the history of #Camphill and also of #Mourne #Grange and how the role of the social worker connects with the…
Social Care – making a difference in people’s lives, every day
#Social #care #workers are individuals who help to support, care for, protect and #empower people to live as well and as independently as possible. They deliver a range of #practical help and #emotional #support to #individuals, #families and #communities. Working in social care requires staff to be #compassionate, #kind and #skilled in delivering a #quality #service to the people being supported. You Can Do it – Described as a magical place, #Andrea believes the residents at #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange…
International Social Worker Day
We wish to say thank you to all our #Social #Workers from all the #residents in #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange. 16th March #2021 is the key day in the year that social workers #worldwide stand together to advance our common message globally. The theme for #International Social Work Day 2021 is #Ubuntu which means ‘I am because we are’. Ubuntu is a powerful message on the need for #solidarity at all levels: within communities, societies and globally. It is a…
Mourne Granges Positive Contribution to support Social Work Students
#Social #Workers play a really important role in making sure that people with #learning #disabilities are supported and have access to places like #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange. Social Work #students need to be able to spend time out on #placements #learning about the different areas and #service users they can work with. Since 2015 Camphill Community Mourne Grange has played an important role in regularly offering 2 to 4 placements every year. Last year and this year have raised many…