Annual Practice Learning Review
On the 7th of September, #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange was invited to participate in the #Annual #Practice #Learning #Review. This #forum offers the #opportunity to #share about what Mourne Grange offers to #social #work #students who come on placement. A contribution was shared by Lizzy, our #Registered #Manager, Karen Aiken and Neill Randall, two #villagers who have both had the opportunity to work with social work students on placement in Mourne Grange, and Orla Johnston, a previous social work student….
We are doing a Christmas sale!
Why #stress yourself by not knowing what to #gift to others, and why last minute shopping? #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange sells unique, #hand #crafted, #environmental #friendly #candles, #wooden #bowls, wooden #pens, #woven items such as #wall #hangings, #rugs, #oven #gloves, #bags and #table #runners. Those are produced within the community by #unique #skilled #adults with #learning #disabilities. Every item is has is own unique character. Did you not find what you are looking for? Do you have something specific in…
Supporting People Annual Report 2020/21
The #Supporting #People #Annual #report for 2020/21 has just been published and it is really #positive that one of #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange #Good #News stories was included. In February of this year Camphill Community Mourne Grange took part in the #NI #Heart to Heart #project. This meant that some of our service users in the #Weavery #workshop #knitted or made hearts and then we delivered them to a #local #residential #home in #Kilkeel. It is lovely to remember about…
Celebrate Volunteers Week
The #Camphill #Movement has thrived for 80 years and #Mourne #Grange will celebrate its #50th #Anniversary this year. #Volunteering is at the heart of the Camphill Movement and the past present and future is made up of a rich tapestry of peoples lives and their choice to #volunteer and live and contribute to a Camphill #Community. The 1st to the 7th of May 2021 has been marked as a week to take the time to #celebrate and thank everyone who…
Proposed Siting For New Nursing Home
We are inviting your views on a #proposal to demolish the eastern wing of the existing #nursing #home #building and replacement with a new, purpose built nursing home building. The feedback received will help to inform the #planning #application that will be submitted to #Newry, #Mourne and Down #District #Council. At present, the existing #Camphill #Community Mourne #Grange nursing home facility is at capacity and unable to accommodate and care for any additional persons, with the eastern wing of the…