During #January #2021, #Camphill #Community #Mourne #Grange joined a regional #Heart2Heart project ran by the #Forward #South #Partnership, they are an independent #charity that works with community, #schools, #business, #public and #private sector partners to help regenerate and sustain a healthy and prosperous South #Belfast. They are part of a city-wide structure known as the Belfast #Area #Partnerships who have led community regeneration initiatives over the past 21 years. Camphill Community Mourne Grange always welcomes the opportunity to make connections with #organizations and people in different parts of #Northern #Ireland. The project aims to provide #handmade #hearts to #nursing, #residential #homes and to those individuals who feel isolated to help them feel a sense of #love and #connection to their community.
In Mourne Grange, we are very lucky to have our own #weavery where we make a range of #beautiful handmade #crafts. Everyone took time to make some lovely hearts and we have sent some to the project in Belfast, but we have also visited with our friends in #Slieve #Roe #Residential Home in #Kilkeel and gave them some of the hearts that we made. It was very timely as #Valentine’s day was only a couple of days away. Because of the #virus we could not go inside but the #Manager came out to meet a group of our residents and support staff. We were also able to wave and say hello to the residents’ who were all in the dining room about to have their lunch. In these difficult times it is important to think of different and creative ways to stay connected.